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No Pain, No Gain – Workout Recovery

Not all pain is bad. The feeling of soreness or achiness is usually the result of mild inflammation or micro tears in your muscles or tendons. That sounds bad, but essentially, this is how you get stronger. Extensive exercise can also cause a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles, which can cause discomfort.


The body repairs these tears when you’re resting, and this helps muscles grow in size and strength. This is one of the reasons rest is so crucial to workout recovery. This microtrauma to your body may sound harmful, but it is a natural response when your muscles experience hard work.


Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is another common form of exercise-induced muscle soreness that can develop when you perform a new physical activity. This is most common when you jump right in without having baseline physical conditioning for the activity.


The best athletes in the world could never perform to their highest potential without a plan for post-workout recovery. Any activity designed to build strength does so by creating microtears in the muscle. Strength does not develop without allowing muscles to engage in proper recovery. Without recovery, those micro tears or bumps and bruises will turn into injuries.


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No Pain, No Gain – Workout Recovery

There are several post-workout recovery methods. The length and intensity of each activity should always be taken into consideration, as well as your personal fitness level and goals. Overtraining can be a serious issue. It is crucial to allow the body to rebuild.


Flexibility is an underrated part of athleticism, even for purely strength-based activities. Limited mobility in the lower limbs will prevent the body from being able to execute a proper squat or lunge. This means that muscles cannot build to their full potential. Stretching can also relieve muscle tension and assist in minimizing soreness later. It is important not to stretch cold muscles. If you choose to stretch before a workout, make sure your body is already warmed up a little with some light impact movements such as jogging or jumping rope.

Protein Intake

Every health, vitamin or supplement store seems to carry shaker cups, and for good reason. Many in the fitness world have found having immediate access to protein can make a difference for their post-workout recovery. Protein promotes muscle growth and repair. Generally, 20 to 50 grams are recommended, depending on the size and goals of each individual. Keep in mind a ratio of 2 to 1 carbohydrates to protein will assist in the proper utilization of the protein.


Whether you are a professional athlete who spends much of each day training your body, a weekend warrior, or somewhere in between, prolonged inflammation can begin to cause problems. Antioxidants like those found in CBD oil are molecules that can safely interact with free radicals and break the chain reaction that causes them to damage vital cells. Both topical and internal CBD for workout recovery can help reduce free radicals from the outside in when worked into sore muscles and joints. Not only can CBD for workout help keep you in the gym, it can also keep you motivated and feeling your best so you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself.


"After my fight, I put the Receptra Naturals Targeted Topical on my hands and elbows. They were pretty swollen, especially my right elbow. It was hard to move my hands. The topical CBD helped to reduce the muscle irritation and swelling. Now I am back in the gym doing stretching and recovery so I am ready for the next one. The Targeted Topical and Active Oil is part of that recovery.”



Sufficient Sleep

Energy consumption is reduced during sleep, which allows muscles, organs, and other parts of the body to have a break and to heal. Growth hormone is released under conditions of sleep. This is also when protein synthesis occurs, assuming a balanced diet containing protein has been consumed. Another important body part that also needs to chill out is the brain. Without proper sleep, mental alertness and focus will decline. Performing under sleep-deprived conditions will undoubtedly be sub-par.

Myofascial Release

Soreness that occurs after an intense workout may be associated with the connective tissue throughout the body (fascia) becoming knotted with muscles. This creates uncomfortable and potentially damaging adhesions. There are several ways to break up this scar tissue and reduce stiffness associated with muscle repair. Foam rollers and other trigger point therapy tools can be used in conjunction with topical CBD to target areas that have issues. This is referred to as self-myofascial release and can be an easy addition to your fitness schedule.


Our muscles are over 70 percent water. When they become depleted everything gets more difficult. This includes athletic performance and post-workout recovery. Protein synthesis happens in the muscle, which essentially means it happens underwater. Less water means slower synthesis and thus, slower recovery. Dehydration also increases fatigue and blood volume. This means the heart must work harder to pump this thicker blood to support the body. Increase in heart rate has also been associated with dehydration. For best results, it is a good idea to keep water with you while training or exercising.