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How Does CBD Work?

The Endocannabinoid System 

Though it may sound unfamiliar, the endocannabinoid system, or eCS for short, plays an important role in supporting overall health and wellbeing. All vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system that serves the purpose of helping the body establish and maintain balance for optimal health and wellness. “Endo” means inside and “cannabinoids” are cannabis compounds. Simply, we have cannabinoids already inside of us that the body naturally produces.

CBD interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system by responding to cannabinoid receptors, and the primary cannabinoid receptors in the body are CB1 and CB2. They are found in virtually every organ in the body and throughout all bodily systems including the brain. Your body naturally produces its own endocannabinoids which work holistically to maintain homeostasis in the body. Some of the parts of the body that make use of the system include your brain, immune system, organs, connective tissues, and glands. It also helps regulate feelings of pain, mood, appetite, memory, digestion, respiration, and many, many more.* 

A healthy endocannabinoid system can mean that you may sleep better, your moods are more regulated, your nervous system processes pain normally, your memory works more clearly, and your digestive system functions properly.*

CBD and other cannabinoids fit into the receptors of the ECS, helping the body complete its efforts to keep us in good health by supporting many of the body’s physical processes.


CBD Will Not Get You High

Receptra’s CBD oil is made from organically farmed hemp, not from marijuana. The cannabinoid responsible for generating notable psychoactive effects is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp and marijuana are both considered cannabis. Aside from their method of growth, the big difference is that to be considered hemp, the plant must contain no more than 0.3% THC. In Colorado, where Receptra’s organic hemp is grown, the Department of Agriculture does not allow hemp with more than that percentage to be used for the creation of CBD products. In fact, a crop that tests higher than 0.3% THC is required to be destroyed.

Despite its move into mainstream healthy lifestyles, CBD hemp oil is still often confused with its relative, THC. Unlike its cousin, CBD does not induce a psychoactive high. Pure CBD hemp oil is not often derived from a marijuana plant, though it can be extracted and separated out. Hemp is the preferred source of CBD oil. 

CBD and THC molecules respond very differently in the body. CBD does not cause the stereotypical effects associated with marijuana, despite the fact that full-spectrum CBD may contain trace amounts of THC.

Because there is no high, CBD can be taken at any time of the day. The way your body processes CBD oil will determine your individual CBD oil experience and what time of the day is best for you. A number of avid CBD users assert that they feel more energetic and focused with CBD, therefore they choose to take it in the morning. Others appreciate the calming effect before bed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease