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Can Dogs Use CBD Drops

Can Dogs Use CBD Drops

Oct 01, 2024

Your dog is your best friend. Naturally, it hurts when you realize your four-legged friend isn't in peak health. Maybe you adopted a pup who has always experienced health issues, or perhaps your dog got older and experienced problems such as arthritis or increased anxiety. In any case, you want to do everything possible to make their life as happy and comfortable as possible. One way to help with that could be CBD drops, an all-natural medication derived from hemp. Learn about giving CBD drops to dogs - including its safety, potential side effects, and benefits - right here.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD Drops are Safe for Dogs to Use
  • CBD Drops for Dogs Should be Derived from Hemp with No THC
  • CBD Drops Can Reduce Anxiety, Pain, and Appetite Loss
  • Always Speak to a Vet Before Giving Your Dog CBD Drops

Can Dogs Use CBD Drops?

Yes – dogs can use CBD drops, and they can be highly effective at treating conditions such as anxiety, arthritis, seizures, and general pain. For your dog's safety, always consult with your veterinarian first, as then you can get a proper diagnosis and advice on whether CBD drops would benefit your pup.

It's also essential to pick out the right CBD product for your dog, as some are better than others. You should look for CBD drops without any THC (as THC is derived from marijuana and is toxic to pets) and are specifically targeted at dogs – look for CBD drops derived from the hemp plant. You'll also want the correct dosage; for example, if you have a smaller dog under 40lbs, choose CBD oil for small pets.

Potential Side Effects

It's crucial to be aware of any potential side effects so you can watch out for them, and they include:

  • Dry Mouth (leading to increased thirst)
  • Drowsiness
  • Stomach Upset (potential vomiting or diarrhea)
  • Rapid Breathing
  • A Drop in Blood Pressure

While these side effects are rare, keep them in mind and monitor your dog closely after giving them CBD drops.

The Benefits of Giving CBD Drops to Dogs

There is a reason CBD drops for dogs have become increasingly popular over time, with more and more pet owners opting for this natural healing treatment to increase their dog's quality of life. These are the benefits:

Pain Relief

One of the main reasons CBD gets administered to dogs is that it provides pain relief. Dogs go through pain in the same way humans do, typically due to injuries or illnesses or simple aches and pains. These can worsen as the dog ages, and CBD makes life more comfortable for the dog during this time.

Reduced Anxiety

Some dogs are prone to anxiety (again, in the same way that some humans are). CBD is known for its stress-relieving benefits that battle anxiety and leave the user feeling much calmer and more relaxed than before. If your dog suffers from anxiety, whether it's ongoing or only during periods like when you're away, CBD can greatly help with that.

Increased Appetite

Dogs tend to lose their appetite with age, which can be stressful for owners, especially if they're not getting all the nutrients they need. CBD drops can help with that, as the remedy is known to increase appetite and reduce nausea.

Relief from Itchiness

Everyone with a dog knows they like to scratch occasionally, which is pretty typical. You might find that your dog is way itchy than usual, though, and the scratching may lead to broken skin, which you naturally want to avoid. CBD drops can even help with that, as it's known to reduce itchiness in users. This would give your dog a lot of comfort and relief.

It's an Anti-Inflammatory

CBD drops for dogs are often recommended when a dog has allergies or arthritis, and there's a good reason for this – CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory. That means it will relieve symptoms (such as pain) in dogs who suffer from inflammation.

It's Affordable

Not all treatments for dogs are affordable, but CBD drops are. Even high-quality, pure CBD drops (which is what you want to choose for your pup) won't drain your bank account.

Simple to Administer

Giving your dog CBD drops is refreshingly simple – there are no needles involved. It makes treating your dog much easier for you as the owner and ensures your dog doesn't go through a high-stress situation every day to receive medication. We will go into some tips on giving your dog CBD drops below.

How to Administer CBD Drops to Your Dog: 5 Tips

Whether your dog has anxiety, arthritis, appetite loss, or allergies, administering CBD drops is always the same. Of course, it will take a little getting used to, and these tips will help you master it:

Tip 1: Always Choose the Right Product

Before giving your dog any form of CBD, check you're picking the right product. Pay attention to whether the CBD has been tested by a third-party lab, what type of CBD it is (such as full spectrum), and if it contains any contaminants. Pay attention to dosage, too - CBD for small dogs shouldn't contain as much CBD as CBD for bigger dogs.

Tip 2: Administer it Directly from the Dropper

CBD drops come in a simple bottle with a dropper, making administering the product easy. You place the drops directly into the dog's mouth, being careful not to let the dropper touch the dog's mouth, teeth, or gums to avoid the transferring of bacteria!

Tip 3: Mix the Drops into Food

Not every dog will want to consume CBD drops! In this case, mix some of the drops into their usual food. The taste is quite subtle, so your pup shouldn't experience much of an issue and will likely gobble it all down without notice!

Tip 4: Administer Before Mealtime

Giving your dog CBD drops before mealtime will ensure the best results. You can also time it so that your dog takes the medication before a particularly stressful event – for example if you are leaving the house for a couple of hours and that usually stresses your dog out, give them some CBD drops an hour before you're ready to leave.

Tip 5: Watch Your Dog Afterwards

Don't give your dog CBD drops for the first time and leave them alone. You don't know how they will react to them! Don't worry – CBD derived from hemp is perfectly safe, but there could be some symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea, so watch out for that. Once you know how your dog reacts to CBD, you can rest assured they will be okay without your monitoring.

Shop for High-quality CBD Drops Today from Receptra

If you want to give your dog a pain-free, more comfortable life, choose CBD drops made specifically for them. At Receptra, we offer high-quality CBD drops for pets – all of which contain full spectrum CBD, are all-natural, and are tested by third-party labs. As such, you can rest assured our products will be 100% safe for your four-legged friend. We also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you find CBD doesn't work for your pup, you won't waste any money. Shop our range of CBD drops for pets today and give your dog the comfortable life they deserve.