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How to Sleep Faster and Better 

How to Sleep Faster and Better 

The normal time it takes to fall asleep is between 10 and 20 minutes for most people.

If you are taking longer than that to fall asleep, you may need to make some changes to learn how to sleep faster and better. Whether you are gaining an extra 15 minutes of rest, or extra hours, it will be worth it for your overall health.

Tips on How to Sleep Faster and Better

According to the American Sleep Association, 50 to 70 million adults in the United States have a sleep disorder. That is a lot of people lying awake. But you don’t have to have a sleep condition to be lying awake waiting for the sandman to come. The average person needs between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Here are some options for how to sleep faster and better.

Only Use Your Bed for Sleep

It is easy to find yourself, working from your bed, eating, watching television, knitting, or whatever it is that you do. Your bed should be purposeful and that purpose is sleep and other sleep-related activities only. This will help cue your body that once you are in bed, it is time to sleep.

Changing this habit could be difficult at first, especially if you do not have a lot of free space in your home. Consider adding a desk to your room if possible, or use other spaces such as the sofa or kitchen table.

Monitor Light Exposure

Though it doesn’t always work out this way, you should ideally be rising and setting with the sun. Your body produces natural hormones that react to light exposure. If you are sleeping in a space that has a lot of light, your body may not be reacting appropriately. Black out curtains or a sleep mask that covers your eyes could help.

One the flip side, it is also important to get an adequate amount of light during the day. Going outside for at least 20 minutes a day can make a big difference. If you cannot go outside, having a space during the day that is close to a window will be helpful.

Monitor Your Oral Intake

There are certain foods and beverages that can impact sleep if you consume them too close to bedtime. Some of these include:

  • - Caffeine
  • - Alcohol
  • - High-sugar snacks
  • - Spicy food
  • - Nicotine
  • - Acidic food
  • - Fatty or greasy meals

Everything is alright in moderation, but sometimes timing does play a factor and can be important when you are training your body how to sleep faster and better.

Try CBD for Sleep

If you are considering a natural supplement to help you sleep, CBD may be a great option. CBD interacts with your natural endocannabinoid system to help you find rest. Receptra Naturals offers CBD Gummies for sleep, tincture, and capsules. These simple sleep solutions can also help reduce anxious thoughts and physical discomfort.

Keep it Consistent

Just as you might eat the same time every day, you should also sleep and wake the same time every day. This can be difficult at first, but worth the effort. Creating a nightly sleep routine that includes preparation that can help get you ready and is great option for how to sleep faster and better. This includes everything from your order of eating, showing, pajamas, and teeth brushing to actual timing.

Create a comfortable environment that includes a tidy space free of distractions such as light, sound, or movement. Try and go to sleep around the same time every night with no more than a 30 - minute variance or so. The same applies for waking.

The Benefits of Learning How to Sleep Faster and Better

Sleep impacts so much of your health and productivity. Optimal rest can boost your mood, help you focus, and allow you to be a better version of yourself. If you are reading this in bed, we encourage you to start working on that new, healthier sleep routine and we wish you sweet dreams.