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What is CBD?

Receptra is your trusted source for CBD education, offering clear and reliable insights into the benefits, applications, and science behind CBD. With expert guidance on Receptra’s premium CBD products, dosage recommendations, and the latest research, Receptra empowers you to make informed decisions about enhancing your wellness journey through CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD 101

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound found primarily in the flowers and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant, or hemp plant. It’s one of the over 100 powerful cannabinoids found in hemp and is known for supporting body and mind in various ways, such as imparting a feeling of relaxation and calm focus or helping with pain. Unlike THC, which is the major active ingredient in marijuana, CBD does not have the same interactions with receptors in the body, which means it won't get you high.

CBD is known for its positive effects on both the body and mind. There are over 400 various other plant compounds naturally produced by hemp plants which also have unique and beneficial interactions with the body. Many of these are dependent on each other for efficient use by the body. This concept is called the “entourage effect” and is the biggest differentiator between full spectrum and other types of CBD, which do not contain these other beneficial compounds. 

Receptra's full-spectrum CBD oil is made from organic hemp grown in Colorado. CBD is also produced by marijuana plants, but these products have different cannabinoid profiles and are typically bred to be high in THC. Hemp plants cannot legally contain more than 0.3% THC. CBD hemp oil is not to be confused with hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is a product used in food and beauty items similar to how you would use olive oil or walnut oil. 

What is Different about Receptra’s CBD Oil?

Our carefully-formulated CBD hemp extracts are made with the highest quality, hand-shucked hemp from our family-owned farm. The extract is then blended with all-natural and organic ingredients and botanicals to enhance the effectiveness of the product to help you bring your best self, depending on your needs.

We are a premium agricultural products company that owns our supply chain, which means:

  • Self-grown premium hand-harvested hemp flower with robust cannabinoid and terpene profiles.  Less than 1% of industrial hemp in the marketplace would qualify for inclusion in our products.
  • Extracted for maximum plant wellness benefits including high levels of full-spectrum cannabinoids and Beta-Caryophyllene.
  • Formulations developed by a team of internal and external chemists and cosmetic specialists with advanced degrees and deep industry expertise.
  • Proudly Botanical - Our products contain all-natural plant-based and organic ingredients. 

 “The team at Receptra have it going on — they pride themselves on their organic, family-farmed, Colorado-grown hemp that purportedly possesses proprietary genetics. Something that truly sets Receptra apart from the rest of the pack, however, is their decision to exclusively use the flower of the hemp plant for their concoctions.” - CBDOilReview.org

How Does CBD Work?

The Endocannabinoid System 

Though it may sound unfamiliar, the endocannabinoid system, or eCS for short, plays an important role in supporting overall health and wellbeing. All vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system that serves the purpose of helping the body establish and maintain balance for optimal health and wellness. “Endo” means inside and “cannabinoids” are cannabis compounds. Simply, we have cannabinoids already inside of us that the body naturally produces.

CBD interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system by responding to cannabinoid receptors, and the primary cannabinoid receptors in the body are CB1 and CB2. They are found in virtually every organ in the body and throughout all bodily systems including the brain. Your body naturally produces its own endocannabinoids which work holistically to maintain homeostasis in the body. Some of the parts of the body that make use of the system include your brain, immune system, organs, connective tissues, and glands. It also helps regulate feelings of pain, mood, appetite, memory, digestion, respiration, and many, many more.* 

A healthy endocannabinoid system can mean that you may sleep better, your moods are more regulated, your nervous system processes pain normally, your memory works more clearly, and your digestive system functions properly.*

CBD and other cannabinoids fit into the receptors of the ECS, helping the body complete its efforts to keep us in good health by supporting many of the body’s physical processes.

CBD Will Not Get You High

Receptra’s CBD oil is made from organically farmed hemp, not from marijuana. The cannabinoid responsible for generating notable psychoactive effects is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp and marijuana are both considered cannabis. Aside from their method of growth, the big difference is that to be considered hemp, the plant must contain no more than 0.3% THC. In Colorado, where Receptra’s organic hemp is grown, the Department of Agriculture does not allow hemp with more than that percentage to be used for the creation of CBD products. In fact, a crop that tests higher than 0.3% THC is required to be destroyed.

Despite its move into mainstream healthy lifestyles, CBD hemp oil is still often confused with its relative, THC. Unlike its cousin, CBD does not induce a psychoactive high. Pure CBD hemp oil is not often derived from a marijuana plant, though it can be extracted and separated out. Hemp is the preferred source of CBD oil. 

CBD and THC molecules respond very differently in the body. CBD does not cause the stereotypical effects associated with marijuana, despite the fact that full-spectrum CBD may contain trace amounts of THC.

Because there is no high, CBD can be taken at any time of the day. The way your body processes CBD oil will determine your individual CBD oil experience and what time of the day is best for you. A number of avid CBD users assert that they feel more energetic and focused with CBD, therefore they choose to take it in the morning. Others appreciate the calming effect before bed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Benefits of Using CBD

Sometimes It's About What You Don't Feel

The CBD oil experience is not meant to add anything extra. You won’t be over the top blissful and throw your inhibitions to the wind like you might if under the influence of alcohol. There won't be a buzz, nor will you be stoned. If you are having a rough day and can’t seem to get out of a funk, CBD may make you feel less funky. When your mind is wandering at midnight and you can’t seem to reel it into sleep mode, CBD may help with getting some Zs. If your back is killing you, CBD may help you cope with that ache. It is not about extra. It is about what you need.

CBD helps support your ECS (endocannabinoid system) and works holistically to maintain homeostasis in the body.  It works with your body to support your naturally occurring endocannabinoid levels. This, in turn, helps your body maintain homeostasis. CBD also prevents enzymes from breaking down your body’s own natural endocannabinoids, which lets your body retain more of its own endocannabinoids.*

The endocannabinoid system regulates such a huge amount of bodily processes -  your appetite, pain, mood, memory, the nervous system, immune activity, blood pressure, bone density, glucose metabolism, stress, and more. It’s pretty important! So when your ECS doesn’t function properly, you can become deficient in endocannabinoids or have an overactive ECS that produces too much, it can throw your whole body out of balance.

Enter CBD! While CBD is working to support healthy endocannabinoid system responses, it may potentially bring your body back into balance and help with overall health and wellbeing.*  Some of the positive effects you might experience after taking CBD are pain relief, reduced anxiety, and better sleep.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Receptra takes you where you need to be!

Which CBD Product is Right for You?

Three Different Types of CBD

All CBD oil begins as an extract from hemp plants. This extract is then processed to varying degrees to create the desired end products.


“Full-spectrum” is the concept of utilizing all of the cannabinoid compounds in the whole plant. CBD is the abbreviation for the cannabinoid called Cannabidiol and is one of over 100 known cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. And there are more than 400 other beneficial plant compounds including minerals, terpenes, flavonoids, chlorophyll, fatty acids, and others that are still being discovered. The synergistic interaction of all of the cannabinoids is called the “entourage effect” and contributes to the overall benefits of CBD.


The difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products is that full-spectrum CBD  includes trace amounts of the cannabinoid THC and broad-spectrum has 0% THC. Removing the THC is typically done for the purpose of providing a product for people who want the benefits of CBD but may be tested for THC in the workplace. 


CBD isolate products contain only the CBD molecule with no additional cannabinoids or plant compounds. The entourage effect does not apply to isolate products, which many people feel changes the effectiveness of CBD.

What is the Best CBD for me?

It may seem like there are a lot of options, but really there are only the three listed above. Choosing hemp seed oil really isn't going to provide any of the benefits of CBD that you are looking for. Full-spectrum is your best bet for optimal efficacy, followed by broad-spectrum for those who can't have THC in their system. Isolate still has some benefits but lacks the entourage effect that comes from being combined with the other cannabinoids and natural compounds found in the cannabis plant.

Full-Spectrum CBD and the Entourage Effect

Some people work best alone and others prefer to be a part of a team. CBD is a team player. Receptra full-spectrum CBD oil includes all of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant and hundreds of additional plant compounds such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, flavonoids, and terpenes. This creates a synergy between cannabinoids, providing the ideal environment for CBD to interact with your body's natural receptors. This concept is called the "entourage effect." 

Pure full-spectrum CBD oil gives the body what it needs when it needs it with more effectiveness than if the CBD molecule was separated out (isolated) from all of the other cannabinoids and compounds.

How You Take CBD Matters

Bioavailability is a concept that refers to the quantity and rate at which a compound enters systemic circulation. A prevalent deciding factor in bioavailability is the method of administration. Substances that are ingested orally typically pass through the liver which breaks them down, reducing the amount available for the body to use.

Receptra’s CBD oil tinctures are meant to be taken sublingually (under the tongue). This allows the compounds to be absorbed through the mucous membranes in capillaries under the tongue, overriding the need to pass through the liver. Receptra CBD oil can still be taken orally but will be less bioavailable, as is the case with capsules or edibles.

CBD Also Works Topically

Endocannabinoid receptors are located throughout the body in virtually every organ. The largest organ in the body is the skin. Receptors located directly underneath the skin are able to absorb and interact with CBD applied topically to achieve immediate relief for physical discomfort, bumps, and bruises. The antioxidant properties of CBD also have beneficial qualities for skin care.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.