Sleep deprivation is a huge problem nationally. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 35% of adults don’t get enough sleep (7 hours per day).
If your sleep schedule is off, it could play a huge part in your productivity and overall health.
How to fix your sleep schedule, naturally
Getting your sleep schedule back on track after continual disruption can be extremely difficult without a plan. According to NBC News, 9 Million Americans take prescription drugs to help them fall asleep. If you are dealing with a sleep disorder, you consult a doctor, but if you are hoping to figure out how to fix your sleep schedule, naturally, we have some suggestions.
1. Understand the circadian rhythm
2. Think twice before napping
3. Be consious of light intake
4. Try CBD oil for sleep
5. Stay away from alcohol or caffeine before bedtime
1. Understanding the Circadian Rhythm
Your circadian rhythm or “sleep cycle” refers to the fluctuation between the REM and slow-wave phases of sleep. The sleep cycle typically takes between one and two hours to complete in humans and ensures adequate rest. When this cycle is disrupted, it can take a serious toll on your mind and body.
Without proper sleep at night, our bodies are unable to function as they should. There are several health problems that are linked with a lack of sleep as well. Sleeping allows us to restore our bodies and minds. It is made up of two interacting systems called the biological clock and the sleep-wake homeostat. As they work together, they are responsible for our transitions from being awake to falling asleep and vice versa.
2. Think twice before napping
Even though it may seem like the best option at the time, napping can have a negative effect on your sleep schedule. A long nap or a nap taken too late in the day may adversely affect the quality and quantity of nighttime sleep. If you are known to have difficulty sleeping at night, a nap likely amplifies the problem by throwing off your sleep schedule and creating a vicious cycle keeping you drowsy during the day and sleepless at bedtime.
3. Be conscious of light intake
Planning and monitoring your exposure to light is one of the best ways to fix your sleep schedule. When you’re exposed to light, your brain stops producing the melatonin, which is a sleep hormone. Melatonin is naturally released in response to darkness and is suppressed by light. This is a hormone that is already present in your body. The increased levels of melatonin in the blood send signals to the brain to become less alert and you feel sleepy.
In the morning, exposing yourself to light can help you wake up. Try opening the curtains or even just flipping on the light switch. At bedtime, prepare yourself for sleep by turning off or dimming bright lights to start the natural flow of melatonin. You should also avoid glowing electronic screens as they can stimulate your brain for several hours and keep you awake. Maybe opt for a old fashioned book instead.
4. Try natural CBD for Sleep
CBD and sleep can go hand-in-hand, and may offer you a quick and easy way to get the rest you need. There are a lot of reasons why CBD could help you fix your sleep schedule, naturally. CBD for sleep may:
- Help your body regulate your circadian rhythm so that you can get back to a healthy sleep cycle.
- Help regulate GABA and serotonin in your brain. Both of these are important for a sound sleep because they help you relax.
- Help to ease some of the aches and pains you might experience when you lay down. If you’re someone who struggles to find a comfortable position, CBD may make it a lot easier.
- Help to reduce your stress levels. How often do you lie awake at night because your brain simply will not turn off? CBD may make it easier for you to let your worries go in favor of much-needed sleep.
- Help to relax your muscles. If you’re like most people, you carry around the stress of the day all day long. When your muscles are relaxed, getting to sleep – especially if you’re trying to turn in earlier, may be much easier.
5. Stay away from alcohol or caffeine before bedtime
When you are figuring out how to fix your sleep schedule, naturally, it is important to remember that caffeine and alcohol are two known sleep thieves. They can make it much harder for you to fall asleep, and can also wake you up in the middle of the night.
Caffeine is a given. It acts as a stimulant, and like most people, you probably enjoy it because it wakes you up and gives you more energy. This is great during the day, but if you consume caffeine too close to your bedtime, it can cause serious problems. The half-life of caffeine is six hours, so if you have a cup of coffee at 4:00 pm, it is still in your system when you go to bed at 10:00 pm.
Alcohol is a depressant, and some people think that when they drink before bed, it helps them sleep better. Though you may be tired after a glass or two of wine, alcohol interferes with your ability to dream, which means it is much easier for you to wake up in the middle of the night and disrupt your sleep schedule.