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What is CBD? Everything You Wanted to Know

What is CBD? Everything You Wanted to Know

There is a lot of information out there attempting to explain the questions "what is CBD" and what does it do. Here is our ultimate breakdown of what you need to know in order to be well-informed about all things CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for the word “cannabidiol” and it is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. But, what is CBD? This non-psychoactive cannabinoid is known for its positive effects on both the body and mind. The various other cannabinoids naturally produced by hemp plants also have unique and beneficial interactions with the body. Many of these are dependent on each other, as well as additional compounds found in hemp for efficient use by the body. 

Receptra's full spectrum CBD oil is made from organic hemp grown in Colorado. CBD is also produced by marijuana plants, but these products often have different cannabinoid profiles and are likely illegal as they regularly contain more than the legal amount of 0.3% THC. CBD hemp oil is not to be confused with hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is a product used in food and beauty items similar to how you would use olive oil or walnut oil. 

The Endocannabinoid System

All vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system which serves the purpose of helping the body establish and maintain balance for optimal health and wellness. “Endo” means inside and “cannabinoids” are cannabis compounds. Simply, we have cannabinoids already inside of us that the body naturally produces.

CBD interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system by responding to cannabinoid receptors. The primary cannabinoid receptors in the body are CB1 and CB2. They are found in virtually every organ in the body and throughout all bodily systems including the brain. 

Full-Spectrum CBD and the Entourage Effect

Some people work best alone and others prefer to be a part of a team. CBD is a team player. Receptra full-spectrum CBD oil includes all of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant and hundreds of additional plant compounds such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, flavonoids, and terpenes. This creates a synergy between cannabinoids, providing the ideal environment for CBD to interact with your body's natural receptors. This concept is called the "entourage effect." 

Pure full-spectrum CBD oil gives the body what it needs when it needs it with more effectiveness than if the CBD molecule was separated out (isolated) from all of the other cannabinoids and compounds.

CBD Will Not Get You High

Receptra’s CBD oil is made from organically farmed hemp, not from marijuana. The cannabinoid responsible for generating notable psychoactive effects is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp and marijuana are both considered cannabis. Aside from their method of growth, the big difference is that to be considered hemp, the plant must contain no more than 0.3% THC. In Colorado, where Receptra’s organic hemp is grown, the Department of Agriculture does not allow hemp with more than that percentage to be used for the creation of CBD products. In fact, a crop that tests higher than 0.3% THC is required to be destroyed.

CBD and THC molecules respond very differently in the body. CBD does not cause the stereotypical effects associated with marijuana, despite the fact that full-spectrum CBD may contain trace amounts of THC. 

How You Take CBD Matters

Bioavailability is a concept that refers to the quantity and rate at which a compound enters systemic circulation. A prevalent deciding factor in bioavailability is the method of administration. Substances that are ingested orally typically pass through the liver which breaks them down, reducing the amount available for the body to use.

Receptra’s CBD oil tinctures are meant to be taken sublingually (under the tongue). This allows the compounds to be absorbed through the mucous membranes in capillaries under the tongue, overriding the need to pass through the liver. Receptra CBD oil can still be taken orally but will be less bioavailable, as is the case with capsules or edibles.

CBD Also Works Topically

Endocannabinoid receptors are located throughout the body in virtually every organ. The largest organ in the body is the skin. Receptors located directly underneath the skin are able to absorb and interact with CBD applied topically to achieve immediate relief for physical discomfort, bumps, and bruises. The antioxidant properties of CBD also have beneficial qualities for skin care.

CBD is Non-Addictive

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported several CBD facts in a 2017 report including the statement that, “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.” Over-stimulation of the brain’s dopamine reward system is the primary reason for addiction. The system then becomes reliant on the substance for dopamine production. CBD does not stimulate dopamine production, despite mood-boosting benefits that some users may feel.

The U.S. Government Patented CBD

Twenty years ago, a group of scientists at the National Institute of Health filed patent 6,630,507 stating that CBD has effective neuroprotectant and antioxidant properties that can "limit neurological damage" and health complications related to oxidation. They made this discovery while trying to answer the question- "what is CBD"? The patent was approved in 2003. This means that the U.S. government has been recognizing and researching the benefits of CBD for decades. Continual research worldwide has shown that antioxidant and brain health properties of CBD could be related to a plethora of health benefits.

How it Feels to Take CBD

Just as each body responds differently to foods, supplements and medications so is the case for CBD. In general, the focus when discussing the CBD experience is more about what you don’t feel rather than what you do. You may notice that you are not feeling as stressed or perhaps you do not feel physical and mental irritation. Though you may be hyper-aware of restlessness, a lack of restlessness may be what you feel when taking CBD.

The World Health Organization published a report in late 2017 finding no side-effects with the use of CBD. That being said, we always recommend checking with your doctor before starting any new supplement. This is especially important if you are taking doctor-prescribed medications.

CBD Serving Size

The amount of CBD you take daily depends on your personal endocannabinoid system and needs. Receptra provides multiple concentrations of CBD so that you can find what fits for you. 

The endocannabinoid system can be compared to the cardiovascular system in that the more exercise you do which require increased heart rate, the better your cardiovascular system will function. But you cannot expect optimal performance on day one. If left unused, endocannabinoid receptors may need several days to warm up and fully open to receive the cannabinoids you are providing. Much like your first day of a cardio workout, you may not achieve optimal results on day one but they are coming. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Receptra customer service team if you need recommendations on where to start with your concentration or serving size.

Is CBD Safe for Pets

Any animal with vertebrae has a natural endocannabinoid system and thus a method to receive and use CBD. Receptra Naturals has a CBD product specifically for pets and animals. The benefits of CBD for pets and humans are very similar. Countless natural pet care retailers carry CBD for pets and many veterinarians have begun to encourage CBD supplementation. The WHO report on CBD safety also includes a finding of no side-effects for animals.

The Benefits of CBD

There are countless benefits to taking CBD. These revolve around CBD's ability to restore balance to the body and mind. For specifics on what CBD can do to for you, we encourage you to take a look at the scientific and medical research. Hopefully, we've helped you answer the question "What is CBD", but if you want to know more, the Receptra Team is here to help with any questions you may have!