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Using CBD: Do You Know What You are Missing?

Using CBD: Do You Know What You are Missing?

Life is not always sunshine and roses. Long days and sleepless nights can put a damper on productivity and happiness. We recently watched how Nathan improved little pieces of his day by not only using CBD, but maximizing the benefits of CBD. Will his girlfriend Sally do the same?

Ending a Long Day:

What a long day for Nathan and Sally both. Nathan is too tired to head back to his place so he is going to crash at Sally's. The problem is that her bed is just not comfortable. Sleep is not optional, so Nathan reaches for his Receptra CBD oil one more time and takes a few droppers under the tongue, using CBD for a more restful night.

Sally, on the other hand, also finds her own bed uncomfortable. She has been meaning to get a new one, but just hasn't made it a priority. She also has a lot on her mind since she just got back into town from visiting family and has a lot to catch up on. Sally tosses and turns throughout the night.

The Wake Up:

The alarm is sounding before she knows it and Sally feels like she's barely closed her eyes. Unlike Nathan, she doesn't even bother with the snooze button because she knows she won't be going back to sleep. She grumbles out of bed and heads for the shower. Nathan gets up to turn on the coffee pot and cook some eggs. Sally puts on her makeup to try and hide the bags under her eyes. Nathan is a good guy and tells her she looks beautiful.

Work Grind:

Sally works as a personal trainer, so she has to interact with people all day. It is enjoyable most of the time, but she just can't seem to get motivated today. The hour-long sessions with each client seem to last forever. She does her best to be patient and understanding, but she really just wants it to be the end of the day already. She wonders to herself, “How is Nathan always so positive throughout the workday?”

Lunch Break:

Sally has clients through the lunch hour, so she doesn't get a break until 1:30 pm. By then she is starving. She didn't think to plan lunch, so she heads to the convenience store across the street. She grabs a burrito and an energy drink. That should get her through the next couple of hours but won't do much for her fitness goals.

Back at the Office:

The dense cheese and beef filled burrito sparks a mini food coma, which is quickly thwarted by a sugary sweet energy drink-induced second wind. Sally is able to pull through the next few hours with her eyes wide open, though she still can't wait to get some real rest.

Delivery Dinner:

Sally is pretty much done with her day after work. She heads home to order a pizza, stopping to pick up a Redbox movie on her way there. Nathan calls and asks if she wants some company. She ordered a large pizza just in case that might happen. They finish off most of the pizza and Sally brings out a pack of Oreos for dessert during the movie. Oreos make everything better, although the combo doesn't sit all that great with her stomach.

Pure Exhaustion:

Sally has been waiting all day for sleep, but she knows it is not going to be very restful. Nathan asks if she wants to try some CBD oil. He's asked before and she has declined because she wasn't sure what to expect, but he can see it's an appropriate time to ask again. She looks at the bottle suspiciously and then takes it out of Nathan's hands. She's got to do something or tomorrow will be miserable. One big dropper full is held under her tongue. She shrugs. It can't hurt.

Nathan smiles to himself as Sally snores next to him.

Up and At ‘Um:

Sally wakes up to the sound of her alarm playing Rolling Stones “Beast of Burden.” She smiles at Nathan who is still dead to the world. He likes to hit the snooze one time before facing the day. She showers while he sleeps another nine minutes. By the time she's dressed, coffee and eggs are on the table. Nathan asked how she slept and Sally replied that she had the best sleep in weeks. He could have guessed that by the lack of bags under her eyes.

Work Like You Enjoy It:

Before they part ways to go to work, Nathan hands Sally his bottle of Receptra and suggests that maybe she take a dropper full before heading out the door. He has another bottle in his gym bag. Nathan always starts his day by using CBD oil. Happy with the results overnight, she agrees to try it. She holds the liquid under her tongue as she starts the car.

At the office, Sally breezes through her first couple of clients and does a lot of the workouts with them. Lunchtime comes around before she knows it.

Proper Nutrition:

Nathan has packed a sandwich and apple for Sally and she's is very grateful. Between the burrito, pizza, and Oreos yesterday, her body was ready for something a little more fitting for a personal trainer. There was a note inside the sack lunch from Nathan that read, “I hope you are having a great day. If things get rough, maybe take another dropper of Receptra CBD oil.”

Mid-Afternoon Pick Me Up:

Sally still feels ok after lunch so she skips the CBD oil. During her session with her second to last client, she starts to feel a little sluggish. She knows that Nathan does his best to constantly maximize the benefits of CBD by using CBD throughout the day. She's not convinced just yet, but she takes another dropper of Receptra. Sally is able to finish out the rest of her day without a struggle, feeling a lot more balanced.

A Quiet Evening:

Since she is not dragging after work, Sally decides to be productive. She stops by the grocery store on the way home and gets food to do some meal prepping. Once she is settled in at home, she turns on Pandora to “Metallica Radio” and zones out while she cooks enough food for the next four days or so. She even makes some vegan chocolate chip oatmeal cookies from a recipe a friend gave her.

She cleans the kitchen and eats some of the salmon and broccoli she has prepared. Nathan calls to check in. He's had a great day as well. They make plans to meet after work tomorrow at the park a few blocks from Nathan's house. They have a mutual friend named James who has been trying to get them to join a running club with him. James needs the extra motivation since he is coming back from an injury. After weeks of putting it off, they are finally going to check it out and support their friend.

Using CBD to Shut Down for the Night:

Sally reads a little in bed as she is winding down for the night. She looks over at her car and house keys. She has set the bottle of Receptra right next to them. So far so good, so Sally takes another dropper of Receptra. She remembered that Nathan said using CBD in a larger amount at night helped him sleep more soundly, so she takes a second dropper and turns off the light.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day, and may even lead to a new adventure with James and his running club. What a difference maximizing benefits of CBD can make!