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Travel Tips for an Epic Adventure

Travel Tips for an Epic Adventure

Are you daydreaming about your next epic adventure? Whether you are traveling around the world or camping just a few hours from home, preparedness is key. Here are some solid travel tips to help you have an amazing vacation.

Safeguard against setbacks

Murphy's law is real, "Anything that can go wrong, will." With that being said, understand that there as some things that are just beyond your control. These could be issues like flight delays, overbooked hotels, inclement weather or even food poisoning (don't drink the water in Mexico).

There is absolutely no way to prevent all of the possible mishaps that could occur, and if you try to do that, you are certain to be so stressed out that you won't be able to enjoy your trip. The best thing to do is to work on the mental component. Be aware that mishaps are part of the adventure. They could even be the best part of the adventure! It is all in your perspective.

Limit your Itinerary

Make a list of things to do or attractions to see that are either “must” or “maybe.” Focus your trip around the musts. If there you have enough time and energy left over for the maybes, make them happen. Make sure that these decisions are made beforehand and with input from your travel companions. Having some clarity will help spare you from needless arguments and logistical nightmares.

Take a First Aid Kit

Travel tips like this may seem pretty generic, but when was the last time you stocked your first aid kit? Having medical supplies handy is a really good idea, especially if you are traveling somewhere remote or where you don't speak the native language. Always take the basics, such as bandages, alcohol swabs and antibiotic ointment and the like.

It's a good idea to include any prescriptions you might need (make sure they are properly labeled) and any over the counter medication that may come in handy. A first aid kit won't help if you need open-heart surgery, but it may help if you get a splinter or hangnail!

Travel Tip: Things to include in your first aid travel kit

  • Pain relievers
  • Antacids
  • Allergy meds
  • Cough drops
  • Bandages
  • Nail clippers
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Antibiotic ointment

Keeping your Cool

Traveling can be mentally taxing. From busy airports to uncomfortable sleeping bags or annoying travel companions, it can get rough. Remember to stop, breathe and take a break to get centered. Meditation and yoga are quick ways to get you back on track, even if you only have 10 minutes to spare. CBD oil can complement the experience by restoring homeostasis (balance in the body) and helping you to stay focused and relaxed.

CBD can also be applied topically to help with acute discomfort. You know those airplane or car seats are not always comfortable and depending on your trip, you could also be sore from the great time you just had. This is just as true for adventure travelers living on the edge as it is for parents carrying around children and their many accessories!

Plan your Return Before you Leave

Do you ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? It is important to make sure you have some sort of stability to come home to. Travel tips can also involve the post-travel experience. Rule number one is to leave your house clean. If you think you will have the energy to pick up all those clothes on the floor after you get back, you are sorely mistaken. Make time to tidy up as much as possible before your great adventure. Unpacking is going to be enough of a pain, don't make it harder on yourself.

Depending on how long you were gone and how far you went, leave at least one day for recovery before you have to go back to work. Flying in at 10 pm with the intention of being at the office by 8 am after a full week away is going to be miserable. Do yourself and your co-workers a favor by taking some time to recover.

Travel Tips and CBD Could Save the Day

Don't overthink the planning. Sure there is a lot to do, but when it's all said and done, you aren't going to remember that you forgot that extra pair of socks. Just relax and enjoy the adventure. CBD may help calm the overwhelmed feeling that often comes with planning a trip. It is also easy to take with you, nearly anywhere you want to go. Find out more about taking CBD on a plane.

Receptra would love to be a part of your adventure, wherever it takes you. Please share your travel photos and hashtag #receptranaturals for a chance to be featured on our social media!