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The Wonders of a CBD Massage

The Wonders of a CBD Massage

You are really looking forward to that long overdue massage appointment. Maybe it calms you. Maybe it energizes you. Maybe it helps with that nasty tension in your lower back, or that left shoulder that keeps acting up. Whatever it is, you know it feels great. What if it could feel even better? A CBD massage may be exactly what your body needs.

The Benefits of Getting a Massage

According to a recent consumer survey by the American Massage Therapy Association, 67 percent of participants claim that their reason for getting a massage was: 41 percent medical and 26 percent stress-related. Of those surveyed, 88 percent believe that massage is important for overall health and wellness (we tend to agree). Whatever your reason, what if there was a way to naturally give your body a little extra relaxing boost? There is, with Receptra Naturals Seriously Relax Body oil with arnica.

Charmaine Stattman has been a massage therapist for over 20 years.

“Massage affects all of the systems in the body; circulatory, skeletal, respiratory, nervous, etc. It increases circulation and relieves stress and tension. Massage not only affects a person’s physical body but also their mental, emotional and spiritual state. Whatever the reason for getting a massage, people always leave with a sense of relief.”

Why a CBD Massage is Even Better

Over the past year, Charmaine has started to incorporate Receptra Naturals into her practice for a relaxing CBD massage.

“What I love about Receptra’s is that the body noticeably responds faster. Muscles relax and my clients experience relief more effectively. If someone comes in with low back pain, just me massaging them will help. But they typically experience an 80% faster response when I apply CBD throughout the massage.”

Receptra Naturals CBD Body Oil contains full spectrum CBD oil from Colorado-grown, organic hemp. There are over 100 known cannabinoids in the hemp plant, all of which interact with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. This includes receptors directly underneath the skin.

CBD has been patented by the U.S. government as an antioxidant. Antioxidants have the ability to counteract inflammation-inducing free radicals. Less inflammation means more relaxation and greater mobility. Imagine how great your massage will be with the soothing properties of CBD Body Oil! 

Experience the Best CBD Massage Ever!

Charmaine is passionate about helping people feel better and live a healthy lifestyle. She was even present at the Receptra Naturals-sponsored 9280 Pond Hockey Tournament to give free Receptra CBD massages to players and fans. Colorado natives can also schedule an appointment with Charmaine at her studio in Littleton, just a few miles outside of Denver.

If you aren't close by, you could bring your own topical CBD massage oil with you to your massage appointment, wherever you may be. Many massage therapists are willing to use products requested by their clients to ensure optimal comfort. 

CBD Massage Self-Care

If you need an extra boost in between massage sessions, don’t be afraid to do a little self-care. Make sure you thoroughly massage the product into your skin. As a result, the massaging motion also increases blood flow allowing cannabinoids in the CBD body oil to fully interact with the receptors right underneath the tissue. If you want an extra boost of relaxation from the inside out, Receptra Seriously Relax CBD tincture + lavender is the perfect complement to take the edge off. Welcome to the best CBD massage ever and prepare to have your mind blown!