5 Way to Prepare for Great Sleep During Daylight Savings Time
With Daylight Savings Time quickly approaching, many areas of the United States are preparing to lose an hour of sleep. But can you ever really be prepared to be more tired? Back in the day before people used their automatically-updating cellphones as alarms (before the wheel was invented), you would have to manually update your alarm clock the night before. This inevitably led to countless delayed work meetings, missed college classes, and kids being dropped off late to school, likely without breakfast.
Losing any amount of sleep can be rough, Those who use CBD oil for sleep may have a much better chance of regulating their body’s sleep cycles than others. But it can still take some time before you start to feel normal again. Most of us look forward to spring, and are willing to deal with the inconvenience of less sleep in exchange for nicer weather. But what if you didn’t have to worry as much about what happens with your sleep cycles during this time of year?
Let’s talk about what happens to your precious sleep cycles when Daylight Savings Time rolls around every year. It’s important to understand why your body responds the way it does, and what you can do to make it easier on yourself.
Understanding the Body’s Circadian Rhythm
In many parts of the country, the clock changes twice every year. An hour either way may not seem like much, but it’s enough for your body to take notice, especially if you have a very consistent schedule or a strong opposition to mornings in general. Your sleep/wake cycle is regulated by your body’s circadian rhythm, which is on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle is regulated by light.
When the clock “springs forward,” like what happens with Daylight Savings Time, we get to enjoy more sunlight during the evening. But that also means that it’s darker in the morning when we get up. This can cause our internal clock to fall out of sync, and it can be very difficult to adapt to these changes as your body perceives that it is too early to get up. Disabling your snooze button may be something to consider.
How Long Does it Take to Adapt to Daylight Savings Time?
Some people adjust to the time change easily, and by the next day they feel just fine. But others may have a more difficult time. The general rule is that it takes about a day to adjust to each hour of time difference. But again, some people simply do not bounce back that quickly.
People who usually get seven to eight hours of sleep at night may only need to go to bed a little earlier the night before the time change. In the morning, they may feel just fine. But most people live their lives in constant sleep deprivation. If this is you, and you only get about six hours of sleep per night, you may have a lot of difficulty adjusting.
In some cases, it can take a week or more for your body to get used to Daylight Savings Time. But there are some things you can do to make the transition a bit easier on yourself.
5 Ways to Make the Transition to Daylight Savings Time Easier
Daylight Savings Time doesn’t have to be stressful or sleepless. Try any of the following – or all of them – and see if they help you get the rest you need as the days get longer.
#1 Start Preparing Yourself Early
One of the reasons people often have a difficult time adjusting to Daylight Savings Time is that they let it sneak up on them. They may not have even realized it was time for it, and before they know it, they’ve left no time for themselves to prepare.
One hour really doesn’t seem like a very long period of time. But if you’re someone who struggles when the time changes twice a year, you know that it’s an hour that matters. It’s a good idea to start making changes ahead of time so your body is ready.
For example, try slowly moving your bedtime back in 15-minute increments for a few days. You may even want to start the week before. That means that by the time Daylight Savings Time comes, your body is already adjusted to the change. You’ll be able to go back to your normal bedtime without too much of a disruption in your schedule or your sleep. You’ll also be making up for that lost hour, and you may find that you don’t even notice it.
#2 Nix the Coffee and Alcohol Before Bed
Caffeine and alcohol are two known sleep thieves. They can make it much harder for you to fall asleep, and can also wake you up in the middle of the night. That is not something you want to deal with when you’re trying to adjust to Daylight Savings Time.
Caffeine is a stimulant, and like most people, you probably enjoy it because it wakes you up and gives you more energy. This is great during the day, but if you consume caffeine too close to your bedtime, it can cause serious problems, including insomnia. The half-life of caffeine is six hours, so if you have a cup of coffee at 4:00 pm, it is still in your system when you go to bed at 10:00 pm.
Alcohol is a depressant, and some people think that when they drink before bed, it helps them sleep better. They couldn’t be more wrong. Alcohol interferes with your ability to dream, which means it is much easier for you to wake up in the middle of the night.
We’re definitely not saying that you can’t enjoy caffeine and alcohol as you get ready for Daylight Savings Time. But you’ll reap the rewards of making a few small changes. Keep your caffeine intake for the morning hours only. If you have a glass of wine with dinner, don’t worry too much about it because your body should process it within an hour. Using alcohol to fall asleep is where you are likely to have the most issues.
#3 Consider Trying CBD for Sleep
CBD and sleep can go hand-in-hand, and may offer you a quick and easy way to get the rest you need. There are a lot of reasons why CBD or hemp extract could be a great addition to your nighttime routine anytime, not just during Daylight Savings Time. CBD may:
- -Help your body regulate your circadian rhythm during the time change. That means it may help you wake up feeling refreshed, even if it is a little darker outside in the morning for a while.
- -Help regulate GABA and serotonin in your brain. Both of these are important for a sound sleep because they help you relax.
- -Help to ease some of the aches and pains you might experience when you lay down. If you’re someone who struggles to find a comfortable position, CBD may make it a lot easier.
- -Help to reduce your stress levels. How often do you lie awake at night because your brain simply will not turn off? CBD may make it easier for you to let your cares go in favor of much-needed sleep.
- -Help to relax your muscles. If you’re like most people, you carry around the stress of the day all day long. When your muscles are relaxed, getting to sleep – especially if you’re trying to turn in earlier, may be much easier.
CBD can be a great natural sleep remedy, and many people rely on it to get their Zs. It might be something you want to consider as Daylight Savings Time gets closer.
#4 Avoid Taking Long Naps During the Day
Insomnia or other sleep disorders are common, and most people who struggle with this problem rely on naps to help them make it through the day. This can be problematic because they make it a lot harder to get quality sleep at night.
Of course, sometimes naps are unavoidable, and if they have become a part of your daily routine, it can be difficult to cut them out. It will benefit you to try and tack on some extra time during your nighttime sleeping hours over time. But if that isn’t possible right now, it’s important to at least learn how to nap wisely.
The Mayo Clinic offers some tips that may help you use napping to your advantage:
- -Keeping napping to a minimum. You really don’t need very long to snooze during the day to feel the benefits of it. Try to nap for ten to twenty minutes when you start to feel sluggish instead of one to two hours. If your nap is too long, you will probably wake up feeling even worse.
- -If you must nap, do it as early as possible. The morning is the recommended timeframe, but if you find yourself dozing after 3:00 pm, it will probably impact your ability to sleep later.
- -Keep your sleeping area restful and quiet. Dark curtains can help to keep the sun out. Maintain a room temperature that isn’t too hot or too cold as well.
#5 Start or Maintain Your Bedtime Routine
Transitioning into Daylight Savings Time is a lot easier if you have a bedtime routine in place. This is especially true if your plan is to move your bedtime back a few minutes as you prepare for the time change.
A bedtime routine serves as a trigger in your brain that’s time for you to wind down and prepare to sleep. Going to sleep on command isn’t always easy for everyone, and it can get even harder when you have an hour less time. If you’ve never even considered implementing a bedtime routine, here are some things you can do to start tonight.
- -Plan time to decompress – Most of us run through the day with very little time to contemplate what’s happening. We run from one appointment to another, we take care of our families, we go to work, and it becomes a pattern of going through the motions. If you’re not one to slow down and take time for yourself, now is the time to start. Doing this before bed can help to signal your brain that it’s almost time to sleep.
- -Set the screens aside – It’s tempting to spend what little “me” time you have on your phone, tablet, or watching TV. But exposing yourself to that blue light can have a negative impact on your sleep. It might take you a lot longer to get to sleep once you do put your head on the pillow, and the quality of your sleep can suffer too. Your body relies on melatonin to get the rest it needs, and the light from electronics can suppress its production when you need it most.
- -Consider having a light snack – People often like to snack at night while they’re watching television, but indulging too much can lead to problems falling asleep. But it’s also important not to go to sleep hungry. Having a light snack before bed can help.
- -Take a warm bath or shower before bed – Your body experiences a drop in temperature when you go to sleep. But what most people don’t realize is that you can actually trigger that drop by taking a shower before bed.
- -Use your bed for sleep and sex – Spending too much time in bed reading or watching television is a way to teach it not to sleep there. That is something you want to avoid. If you want to read before bed, choose a quiet, calming location that isn’t your bed.
Coast Through Daylight Savings Time With Serious Rest + Chamomile CBD Oil for Sleep
At Receptra Naturals, our Serious Rest + Chamomile Tincture may be just what you need to get the sleep you need. It includes a blend of natural and organic ingredients that are formulated to promote better rest. The best part is, you won’t need to worry about feeling groggy or out of it the next day. You’ll wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on any challenge.
After all, isn’t that how you’re supposed to feel after a good night’s sleep?
Daylight Savings Time may be upon us, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer from less sleep. Be proactive and give the tips above a try. Contact us to let us know what worked for you!