Serious joint pain needs Serious Relief.
Receptra Serious Relief CBD tinctures and CBD topicals are meant for active lifestyles and all the aches and pains that come with continuing to move forward.
What Causes Joint Pain?
Joints form and cushion the connections between bones. They provide support and enable movement for areas that bend such as elbows, knees, wrists, and hips. Damage from disease or injury can cause joint pain and limit mobility. According to the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 15 million Americans report experiencing severe joint pain. Knee pain is one of the most common complaints, followed by shoulder and hip pain.
*If you have debilitating joint pain or a medical condition, you should contact a physician to evaluate your treatment options
How Does CBD for Pain Work?
Joint pain is recognized by receptors in the body that initiate a response. The result is the feeling of pain. Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that helps to reduce the feeling of pain or discomfort. It is also called “the bliss molecule.” Anandamide can also be found in chocolate, which may explain why is a comfort food for many. CBD can help with joint pain because it allows more anandamide to exist in the body at one time by holding back enzymes that reduce the amount of anandamide in the body. Having more anandamide can reduce the perception of pain and also boost your mood.
How to Reduce Joint inflammation
Antioxidants help to reduce joint inflammation by fighting off free-radicals in the body. CBD has known antioxidant properties that can assist with joint inflammation. The U.S. Government patented CBD as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant over 25 years ago, though hemp general cannabis use has existed for centuries.
Free radicals are a natural response that promotes inflammation, which is helpful in moderation. If left unchecked, inflammation can have serious consequences in the body. CBD for pain can help keep free radicals in check by serving as an antioxidant and thus reducing joint inflammation.
CBD Dose for Pain and Inflammation
When determining your CBD dose for pain and inflammation we recommend taking 33mg of CBD for pain sublingually. This is the amount present in one dropper of Receptra Serious Relief 33 + Turmeric tincture. This amount is based on studies evaluated by our research and development team.
For immediate topical join pain relief, use Receptra Serious Relief Targeted Topical + Arnica. This topical CBD for pain can help with joint pain through interaction with endocannabinioid receptors directly under the skin.
Receptra Pain Relief Set – CBD for Joint Pain
Receptra’s CBD Pain Relief Set combines two of Receptra’s best selling products to naturally provide faster recovery and reduce joint discomfort from the outside in and inside out. You can also purchase these products individually or explore the other options in Receptra's Serious Relief product line, including CBD gummies for pain.