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  • What Does The Beta Caryophyllene Terpene Do?

    What Does The Beta Caryophyllene Terpene Do?

    Beta Caryophyllene is a terpene that is known for several beneficial properties. This compound contributes to the spicy flavor of black pepper and is found in cannabis as well as...

  • CBD for Back Pain

    CBD for Back Pain

    Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability according to the World Health Organization, and one in three people say that it impacts their daily lives. Those are...

  • Lucy Learns to Live Life a Little Louder

    Lucy Learns to Live Life a Little Louder

    Change can be hard, and though old dogs can learn new tricks, that doesn’t mean that it’s not difficult. Lucy is an 11-year-old golden retriever mix with a soft temperament...

  • Health and Fitness is More Than Physical

    Health and Fitness is More Than Physical

    “To me, health and fitness is so much more than just physical. CBD is another fantastic tool in my box” - Jessica Wester Jessica Wester is a certified personal trainer...

  • Hemp: The Global Warming Solution 

    Hemp: The Global Warming Solution 

    July is National Hemp Month and a great time to explore all the benefits of this highly-sustainable plant. There was a time when the validity of climate change and global...

  • Holding It Together with CBD 

    Holding It Together with CBD 

    “The Cannabis Hemp Plant is amazing. It has too many amazing benefits for it to be here for any other reason than to help mankind.” - Marley Colt Marley Colt...

  • Receptra CBD Hemp Bucking 2020

    Receptra CBD Hemp Bucking 2020

    One of the most exciting times of the year for the Receptra Team is our annual Hemp Bucking Party! No, it's not a typo. Keep reading. When the leaves start...