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Receptra Relax Jello CBD Recipe

Receptra Relax Jello CBD Recipe

Easy CBD Recipe When You Are Stuck At Home

If you are like many people who are working from home, you have stocked up on the essentials but may not have the extras to make all those Pinterest recipes you have been hoping to try. We want to help you keep it simple, by providing a simple way to make taking your daily CBD dose a little more fun.

Remember those Rice Crispy treat commercials from when you were a kid? The mom was busy in the kitchen "slaving" over dessert, complete with flour on the face and an exhausted look. Well, this is kind of the same concept!

Making Jello is not rocket science and there is a really good chance that you already have some in the house. No unnecessary visits to the grocery store today!

Jello for the Whole Family

One great thing about Jello is that if you have kids, they can help with relatively little risk of burning the house down. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids how to navigate the kitchen successfully and make something that the whole family can enjoy. Just remember to leave your portion off to the side to add CBD into.

Without going into too much detail, you heat the water, mix it with the jello powder, add cold water and place in the refrigerator. If you choose to go the jello jiggler route, pour the jello onto a baking pan with a lip before placing it in the refrigerator so that you can use cookie cutters to cut the jello after it cools all the way.

Receptra Relax Jello CBD Recipe

For your adult jello, we recommend Receptra Seriously Relax tincture. It is ginger-lime flavored, which is a great addition to any fruity variety of jello! Add in your CBD just before placing the mixture in the refrigerator. Determine the serving size of your jello. For two servings, add two droppers, or adjust to your desired amount.

Receptra Relax CBD also has the added benefits of lavender and passionflower to help take the edge off of a stressful day. You might as well make it a treat!