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8 Tips to Help You Focus

8 Tips to Help You Focus

Wait, what was I doing?

Your inability to focus kills your productivity, which jeopardizes your chances of success, regardless of whether it's derived from exhaustion, distractions, lack of motivation, or something else entirely. Whether it is work or school or "other," focusing is crucial for getting things done. Here are some 8 tips to help you focus.

Find a quiet space and lower cortisol

Ambient noise, like cars honking or kids screaming, can stimulate the release of the stress hormone cortisol, Mark A.W. Andrews, former director of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill University in Pennsylvania, told Scientific American. Too much cortisol can impair function and hinder focus. And, unfortunately, the more we're exposed to ambient noise, the worse our bodies respond, according to Andrews.

Keep a to-do list

This may seem simple, but having the tasks you need to complete all mapped out can be really helpful. Whether you are using a task management system like Asana, Google calendar or just using an old school planner or notebook, having things written down can help your mind focus on the tasks in order. When you have too many things to keep track of your mind cannot let go and just worry about them one at a time.

Use Natural CBD Oil for Focus

When the brain is overwhelmed by stress, the two-way communication system that is unique to endocannabinoid receptors allows for cells to talk to each other and find a way to quiet the mind and achieve balance or a baseline stress level. CBD also promotes the retention of the endocannabinoid “Anandamide” in the body. The word anandamide is derived from the Sanskrit term “Ananda” which means bliss. This is why it is commonly referred to as the bliss molecule and is known to promote happiness. Receptra’s Seriously Relax + lavender CBD tincture may help take the edge off and has the added benefits of passionflower.

Mediate and find your zen

Learning to calm and focus the mind is the ultimate goal of meditation. If this can be achieved in a controlled environment such as meditation, it may carry over to the rest of your busy life. Science also agrees that mediation is a good tip to help you focus. One study at the University of North Carolina, for example, revealed that students who meditated for just 20 minutes a day for four days performed better on certain cognitive tests.

Get a proper amount of sleep

According to the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 35% of adults don’t get enough sleep. During sleep, your brain prepares for the next day and forms new pathways to help you learn and remember information. Adequate sleep helps you remain attentive, make good decisions and inspires creativity. Studies show that the skills to comprehend new concepts and conduct problem solving are much sharper when you are well-rested. Think about that before you try to cram that last-minute study session in the night before finals or prepare a last-minute work presentation.

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Take a break from what you are doing

Trying to sit in one spot for hours and force yourself to get something done is rarely productive. Not only do you find your mind wandering, but your body becomes stiff or uncomfortable. Get up and move around. Take 15 - 30 minutes to take a walk, read a book, eat some food or basically anything that helps clear your mind for a moment.

Exercise is the answer to a lot of things

It’s true. Tips for most things that will make you better include exercise. In this case, exercise isn't just good for the body, it also promotes brain health. According to John Ratey, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, this is important for memory capacity and concentration. Scientists think regular exercise may help stimulate the release of a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which some research suggests helps rewire memory circuits to improve their functioning.

Stop Multitasking

That is a big ask in this day and age, especially with all of the things you could be doing right now on all your different devices. According to a 2009 Stanford study that sampled 100 Stanford students, about half identified themselves as media multitaskers. The other half did not. The test examined attention spans, memory capacity, and ability to switch from one task to the next — and the multitaskers performed poorly on each test in comparison to those focused on one thing.